School Rumble Wiki
Hayato Tani
Tani hayato
Class 2-C (Teacher)
Gender Male
Hair Brown
First Appearance
Deep Space Nine
First Appearance
Season 1 Episode 01
Seiyuu Makoto Yasumura
English Kent Williams

Hayato Tani (谷 隼人, Tani Hayato) plays very few roles throughout School Rumble. He is the teacher of Class 2-C who is generally a figure that stays in the background of the classes.


Hayato is a very docile man who rarely gets mad or cares about anything. While he has his own opinions about other classes and his own class, he hardly ever states them and almost never does anything out of the ordinary. However, like almost all boys in School Rumble, he becomes very upset when something happens to a girl he either likes or reminds him of someone he has liked (as demonstrated at the end of Episode 21 where he is enraged when his colleague steals the cookies Tae Anegasaki-sensei gives him).

Hayato also has an affinity for dinosaurs which is shown in episode 21, to the point when Hayato is searching his desk for Tae's cookies, he pulls out an assortment of dinosaur figures.


Love Interest[]


Yurippe is Tani's childhood crush. In Episode 21, Tae gives Tani a bag of cookies, which triggers a flashback of his school days where he fondly remembers receiving a similar bag of cookies from Yurippe.

Aside from this flashback, Yurippe is never mentioned or seen again. Despite her brief appearance, this warm memory has stayed with Tani in his adulthood.


Tae Anegasaki[]

Tani gets along well with Tae. She gives him a bag of cookies as a gift, which reminds Tani of Yurippe who also gave him the same in his school days.



The relationship between the teachers of Class 2-C and Class 2-D is rather an antagonistic one. Kato bickers about how bad Tani's students are. To make matters worse, Tani is enraged when Kato eats the bag of cookies he got from Tae without even knowing, which leads Tani to encourage Class 2-C to beat Class 2-D at the sports festival.


  • The name Hayato means "falcon" (隼) (haya) and "person" (人) (to).
  • Hayato's surname Tani means "valley" (谷).

